Articles on: Proctoring Assessments

Proctoring alert message guidelines

Articles on: Proctoring Assessments

Guideline for taking up Proctoring Assessment without alert messages

You would have encountered multiple proctoring alerts while taking up the assessment. Here are some of the tips to prevent them
◦ "image quality is poor"
▪ Check if your laptop camera/ or other camera has any dust in the camera lens, Please clean them before you start the assessment
▪ Please don't take assessment from a dark room or terrace, ensure that the Assessment is taken from a well lighted room with light falling on your face rather than the shadow.
▪ Ensure that your background is plain (preferably a plain wall), There should not be any objects / wallpapers/ Photographs/ pattern Bedsheets, clothes handing behind you.
▪ To ensure that the text is readable, increase the font size of your browser.
◦ "The user is distracted and might be looking away from the screen"
▪ Ensure that the laptop is 90 degree rather than 120 degree or above. The camera coverage area should be directly facing you.
▪ Please dont keep you face close to the camera, maintain a minimum of 1 feet distance from the screen
▪ Kindly avoid using mobile phones or other devices while taking up the assessment.
◦ "Another person found"
▪ Take up the Assessment in a disturbance free environment. Please inform your parents/ friends not to cross/stare your screen while taking up the Assessment
▪ Ensure that your background is plain (preferably a plain wall), There should not be any objects / wallpapers/ Photographs/ behind you.
◦ "Face not found"
▪ Ensure that you are not taking up the Assessment in a dark room.
▪ Avoid disabling the camera while taking up the test.
▪ Ensure that your background is plain (preferably a plain wall), There should not be any objects / wallpapers/ Photographs/ behind you.

Updated on: 18/03/2023

Updated on: 21/09/2023

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